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In 1986, I was born in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. In my 20s, I realised that I needed to find the key to the happiness, as, even though I had a satisfying job, good education and a pleasant living environment, there was still something missing in my life. I always loved Spirituality and the inner voice was telling me that, through the travels, I could find everything I needed. I made a decision to travel the World and find my True Self. I visited Native Shamans in Peru, Indian Gurus in Ashrams, Buddhist Monks, Zen Masters, Taoists, African Traditional Healers and Reiki Masters. I ventured through more than 40 countries around the Globe and became a Meditation Teacher and Shamballa (Reiki) Practitioner. I am a member of the Meditation Foundation Organisation; which is very popular around the world.


Over the last year, I travelled around Africa and Asia, where I was teaching meditation at schools to local kids. I also got the opportunity to visit a Johannesburg prison and nurture prisoners in the ways of meditation. More recently, I visited Japan, South Korea and Vietnam to learn more about Zen and Taoism. I completed two Vipassana courses.  Furthermore, I taught meditation in Malaysia Dhamma (Buddhistic) Centre and shared the inner wisdom with English teachers and their pupils.

Now, I have the Key to Inner Fulfilment, I am willing to spread inner wisdom and guide others through a similar Life Journey. I believe that our main purpose in life is to find the truth, help each other and live in a harmony with our Mother Earth, Nature and Animals. I have a strong environmental call to help the planet Earth as not only I see the dangers of the modern society, but also the importance of Nature for our and future generations' mental and physical health.

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