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My experience 

I am on my spiritual journey since the childhood, but, on this site, I would like to share with you some life experiences so far. 



 Volunteered with the children in Peru, spent time with local shamans in the Amazon Jungle.



Worked as a photographer on an American Cruise Ship, visited California and Carribean Islands (Porto Rico, Costa Rica, Jamaica). Took pictures for a Liverpool-based Magazine and Tony Ashcroft (a singer of Boney M.).



In the first part of the year

Spiritual Journey to Asia -,  visited India, Thailand, Nepal, Cambodia. Volunteered in Cambodia and helped children on the streets of India. Climbed Himalayan Mountains and studied Kundalini Yoga and Meditation at local Gurus. Became a meditation guide, passed my first Vipassana Meditation Course. Became a Shamballa Reiki Practitioner. 

During the second part of the year

Was giving meditation classes in the city centre of Edinburgh (UK) and offered my first Shamballa Reiki to people, organised travel workshop about the Asian Journey connected with meditation, Organised my first Holistic Festival for the people in Edinburgh. Held outdoor meditation classes with more than 50 people. All my classes and healing was done by donation.  Was an official photographer of Carnival Festiva Edinburgh.



The first half of the year

Spiritual travel to Africa - visited Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa, all using local transport and backpacking. Volunteered at a children orphanage in Kenya, some of the children had HIV.  Organised and taught meditation to children in Tanzania and Malawi, all for free. Visited Johannesburg Prison (South Africa) and shared a meditation class with prisoners, all for free.

The second half of the year

Taught meditation in the city centre of Edinburgh, organised and held meditation outdoor classes, all by donation. Shared healing and tarot reading on the streets of the town, everything by donation., Organised charity exhibition of my own photographs from Africa to help raise money for the Orphanage in Kenya.


Spiritual travel to Asia - visited Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand. Learnt more about Taoism, Buddhism and Zen. Spent time in monasteries. Volunteered with children in Malaysia and taught them Vipassana Meditation. 


As you can see above, most of my activities were either supported by donations or done for free as I do not like to put any limitations on what I can do for you. If you like what I do, please support me here:








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