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What is Shamballa Reiki?


Shamballa Reiki is an ancient spiritual, vibrational releasing practice used to restore and promote balance throughout the human energy system. Shamballa Reiki does not involve physical manipulation or the ingestion or application of any substances but works with the subtle vibrational field that surrounds and penetrates the body. (Reiki is commonly translated from the Japanese as universal life energy.) There is no religious belief system attached to Shamballa Energetics and Reiki.

Shamballa Reiki is described as a complementary and alternative energy medicine practice that uses the energy field, to affect health, balance and well-being.  Energy field therapies reflect the concept that human beings are infused with subtle forms of energy, which surround and interpenetrate the human form.  Shamballa Reiki balances this subtle energy field. It can be described as being a Multidimensional healing based on Unconditional Love. This powerful healing will connect you with your Higher-Self and will help you attain Unconditional Love. Shamballa can help you to release blockages and find the energetic balance, again. 


What is a difference between Reiki and Shamballa?

Hopefully, I will help to answer this question, which most of the people have.  We can not say, that one energy is "better" than another one. Shamballa is a just a “higher vibration” of energy, that has just been allowed to come through because we, as a collective consciousness, have recently raised our own vibration. It is also an energy, that EVERYONE is able to use, whether you believe in it, or not. Shamballa is also an energy that is a “tool” for spiritual enlightenment and progression and releasing blockages and negative energy from our bodies and our souls that we no longer need.


It is the energy of love, which comes through your heart chakra to help you heal yourself and others. In other words, by bringing Shamballa into your life you allow more healing love energy to come into the world. 





























Private sessions can be arranged at your place or at mine by e-mail or text message.

Price list and dates

Every session is individual. Price will depend on the length of the session, intensity and your present situation. Please get in touch for more information.

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